Tony's Fitness Dream: Building Wellness Together

Tony’s Academy: Building Wellness Together

Help Build a Healthier Community

Why Your Support Matters

1. Bridging the Gap for West Fresno

Fresno’s west side, especially the 93706 zip code, is underserved when it comes to fitness facilities. CrossFit Iron Buffalo and Xpress Fitness are great options, but they might not be accessible to everyone due to cost and distance. Tony’s gym aims to provide an affordable and convenient fitness solution for the residents of this area.

2. Local Support for All

3. Tackling Health Challenges Together

The 93706 zip code faces significant health challenges, with a high percentage of adults dealing with obesity, children being overweight for their age, and a large portion of overweight or obese teens. Tony’s mission is to change these statistics by providing a welcoming and supportive fitness environment that promotes well-being.

How You Can Make a Difference

THEFIVE5NINE: Nurturing Fresno’s Heart and Soul


Picture of Terrell Jackson

Terrell Jackson

More than just a writer - he's a modern-day storyteller, with over 8 years of experience crafting content that captures hearts and imaginations alike. With his undeniable passion and talent, Terrell has taken the world of creative writing by storm, earning critical acclaim as both an audio book writer and author.

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