LaShawn Toney

Fresno Book Signing: LaShawn Toney’s Impactful Message

On Saturday, April 13th, Fresno’s Legacy Building was the setting for a memorable event—a book signing that celebrated more than the release of LaShawn Toney’s new book, “Don’t Bully Me Because I’m Different.” This event was a vibrant affirmation of acceptance and neurodiversity. Hosted by Kina McFadden, the gathering reinforced that awareness of autism should not be limited to just National Autism Acceptance Month but should be an ongoing commitment. While the event has passed, LaShawn Toney’s books remain available, inviting all to follow her journey and support this important cause. Attendees engaged deeply with her message through interactive activities and merchandise, all highlighting the crucial role of inclusivity.

The Event Highlights

Celebrating Neurodiversity and Acceptance

LaShawn Toney’s Fresno book signing was not merely a promotional event; it was a profound engagement with the community on the themes of neurodiversity and acceptance. LaShawn, together with host Kina McFadden, used the platform to underline the continuous need for awareness, advocating that the message of acceptance should resonate all year round.

Engaging Activities for Connection and Learning

The event offered interactive experiences like a photo booth and exclusive merchandise that highlighted neurodiversity. These activities were designed not only to entertain but also to foster a deeper connection among participants and with the broader message of autism acceptance.

Ongoing Impact and How to Support

The Inspirational Story Behind the Books

Journey of A Real Gift Inside Autism” and “Don’t Bully Me Because I’m Different” are reflections of LaShawn Toney’s personal experiences as a mother navigating her daughter Jorgia’s autism. These books serve as critical resources for understanding and teaching about the autistic experience. Available at major retailers like Walmart, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon, they offer insights and advocate for the importance of seeing the world through a diverse lens.

Supporting the Journey Beyond the Event

To truly support LaShawn Toney’s mission, engaging with her work goes beyond book purchases. Following her daily v-log with Jorgia, attending community talks, and spreading the word about neurodiversity are significant ways to contribute. By actively participating in these endeavors, everyone can help advance a more inclusive and understanding society.

LaShawn Toney’s book signing event in Fresno was a compelling reminder of the ongoing journey toward greater acceptance and understanding of neurodiversity. Inspired by her daughter Jorgia, LaShawn’s work encourages us to recognize and embrace diversity not just during designated months, but every day. Join us in supporting LaShawn’s mission to foster a world where every individual is valued and understood.


Picture of Terrell Jackson

Terrell Jackson

More than just a writer - he's a modern-day storyteller, with over 8 years of experience crafting content that captures hearts and imaginations alike. With his undeniable passion and talent, Terrell has taken the world of creative writing by storm, earning critical acclaim as both an audio book writer and author.

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